New and SERIOUS Southern California Tree threat: Shot Hole Borer

Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Photo credit Gevork Arakelian
Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Photo credit Gevork Arakelian

Southern California has a new threat to Sycamore, Avocado, Coast Live Oak, Box Elder and Castor Bean that causes severe damage and eventually tree death.  The Euwallacea fornicatus, suggested common name is Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB), an Ambrosia Beetle, is rapidly killing mature trees throughout Southern California and there’s no way to stop them other than prevention.  Once a tree has been infected, the chance of saving it is extremely small.

This beetle has probably come to the area from South East Asia, and possibly Africa.  It is causing extensive damage to avocado trees in Israel.

Trees that already host some form of fungus are ideal for beetle reproduction.  The mild damage is branch dieback, but can quickly transition to death.  They normally only spend a small amount of time on the outside of the tree before boring in and causing the real damage.

Prevention is the only cure

We’ve been called out by numerous clients throughout Southern California because we are licensed pest control specialists with the equipment that can reach up to 50 feet high.  We are one of the only companies with this capabilities in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.  Through our prevention measures on your trees, we can stop the invasion north from Los Angeles County.

Please call us if you have any of the following trees so we can treat them BEFORE they are attacked.  This threat is SUBSTANTIAL and if you have these trees, you must act promptly or risk losing them.

  • Acacia (Acacia spp.)
  • Box elder (Acer negundo)
  • Big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum)
  • Evergreen Maple (Acer paxii)
  • Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)
  • Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)
  • Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin)
  • Titoki (Alectryon excelsus)
  • Tree of heaven (Alianthus altissima)
  • White Alder  (Alnus rhambifolia)
  • Camellia (Camellia semiserrata)
  • Moreton Bay Chestnut  (Castanospermum australe)
  • Blue palo verde (Cercidium floridum)
  • Brea (Cercidium sonorae)
  • Coral tree (Erythrina corallodendon)
  • Red Flowering Gum  (Eucalyptus ficifolia)
  • Chinese holly (Ilex cornuta)
  • Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
  • Palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata)
  • Avocado (Persea americana)
  • London plane (Platanus x acerifolia)
  • California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)
  • Cottonwood  (Populus fremontii)
  • Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
  • Mesquite (Prosopis articulata)
  • Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
  • Engelmann Oak (Quercus engelmannii)
  • Valley oak (Quercus lobata)
  • English Oak (Quercus robur)
  • Cork Oak (Quecus suber)
  • Castor bean (Ricinus communis)
  • Weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
  • Goodding’s black willow (Salix gooddingii)
  • Red Willow (Salix laevigata)
  • Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) – See more at:


Asian Citrus Psyllid

Asian Citrus Psyllid Photo by USDA
Asian Citrus Psyllid Photo by USDA

Asian citrus psyllid, also referred to as ACP, poses a huge threat to California’s citrus trees. The parasite is very tiny and brown in color, and a proven track record of spreading a deadly virus. It’s proven to be a irksome pest to curb. It has caused untold amount of damage all throughout California. These tiny pests spread the disease called, Huanglongbing. It’s important to be proactive in preventing this disease and responding immediately upon the detection of the presence of these insects.

The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a documented success rate of preventing and treating Asian citrus and saving an untold amount of damage and cost in fighting and treating Asian citrus disease. It’s extremely important to for high risk areas in the coastal areas of California to have regular inspections to safeguard against Asian citrus. Detection can be extremely difficult regarding Huanglongbing also known as HLB, for most lay individuals. It’s crucial for high risk areas to have monthly inspections to safeguard against Asian citrus.

The professionals at Kastle Kare, can expertly diagnose, treat and cure Asian citrus professionally and securely.

Pine Bark Beetle

Pine Bark Beetle photo by Dustin Blakey
Pine Bark Beetle photo by Dustin Blakey

Pine Bark Beetle, is a very serious infestation effecting bark that in the worst case scenario can lead to the death of trees. The damage can be extremely costly and extensive. In order to treat and or prevent this disease, it’s important to look for symptoms.  Signs to look for are, exist holes in bark left by adults, a reddish color type dust, and foliage that takes on a yellow color. A large majority of trees that become infested with this disease are those that have been made fragile by drought.  This pest can bring about vascular injury to infected trees, and ultimately can kill the trees, if timely attention is not given.

The professionals at Kastle Kare have a proven track record of successfully  diagnosing  Pine Bark Beetle, treating it and saving an untold amount of trees. Proactive measures can be taken 3 to 4 weeks ahead when this Pine Bark Beetle has been known to infest host trees. By doing this, costly damage can be avoided at a stage of actual infestation. Kastle Kare professionals will use the best possible remedies to facilitate prevention and or treatment of Pine Bark Beetle.

Sooty Mold

Sooty Mold - Photo by Scot Nelson
Sooty Mold – Photo by Scot Nelson

Sooty Mold is a type of fungus that grows on plant leaves.  The name, Sooty Mold comes from the residue this insect leaves.  These insects eat the leaves of plants that ornamental in nature such as, azaleas, laurels, camellias, and gardenias.  These insects leave a sooty black type of coating on the leaves they feed, thus destroying any type of cosmetic enhancements to the land tapestry they adorn.  The physical damage is caused by honeydew like substance these insects secret.

Getting a professional with a proven track record of treating this infestation is key for prevention and or cure. The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a proven track record of preventing and treating Sooty Mold. It is almost imperative that high risk plants that are directly under pecan and hickory regularly use preventative measures for preventing Sooty Mold. The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a proven track record of efficiently treating Sooty Mold.

Powdery Mildew

Ventura County Leaf with Downey Mildew, a Plant Disease we can help
Click to enlarge Downey Mildew

Powdery Mildew is a fungus that affects many different plants from different families. The markings of this disease are distinct, and thus extremely easy to spot.  Plants affected by Powdery Mildew have white powdery spots on their leaves and stems, hence the name.  The longer amount of time, the plants are affected the spots get larger and thicker. The leaves can be affected at the top or below the ground. Southern California coastal areas are a prime target for Powdery Mildew.  Damages from Powdery Mildew have been extremely costly. The key to deter this disease is being proactive with professionals with a proven track record in preventing and treating Powdery Mildew.

The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a proven track record of preventing and treating Powdery Mildew.  It’s important to farmers and others to try to combat Powdery Mildew as efficiently as possible, to avoid extremely costly damages as a result of deadly Powderly Mildew. The professionals at Kastle Kare have a proven track record in preventing and fighting Powderly Mildew and other such diseases.

California Oak Moth

California Oak Moth - photo by Donald Hobern
California Oak Moth – photo by Donald Hobern

The California Oak Moth is primarily found in Coastal California regions. It has a history of causing colossal damage to the the leaves of Coast Live Oak as well as seasonal trees that lose their leaves. These moths are a tan brown color, and can be regularly seen in the afternoon. That is the prime feeding time for these parasites.

Oak Moth’s primary goal is to find mates, and lay eggs to repopulate for the future population of caterpillars. The moths themselves are not what causes the initial damage, it is the existence of the caterpillars that descend on the leaves, they are the recipients of the Oak Moths DNA.

Early signs are difficult to detect by lay individuals. It has been recommended by leading pest control experts, to avoid infestation of Oak Moth on aging and other at risk trees, to be extremely proactive. An experienced Pest control Professional can monitor these trees for such early signs and substantially reduce the risk of deadly and extremely costly Oak Moth infestation.

The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a proven track record of being successful in the prevention and treatment of Oak Moth Infestation. They consider each condition and situation unique and give the time and consideration and attention it deserves to completely resolve the infestation before during or after it occurs.

Fire Blight Disease on Apple and Pear Trees

Fire Blight Disease - photo by Oregon State University
Fire Blight Disease – photo by Oregon State University

Fire blight is an extremely contagious disease that mostly affects Apples and Pears, but has been known to be problematic to other such fruits. Fire blight can be an extremely costly and tricky condition, to treat, combat and eradicate. The name of this disease comes from the symptoms on affected fruits. The affected fruit look as though they have been burned by a blazing fire. They become very dark in color, but resemble a burned look.  Remarkably in a very short amount of time, minutes in some cases, entire orchards have been destroyed. It’s best to be extremely proactive, or act immediately upon detection   of the presence of this disease.

It takes extreme experience to successfully combat and treat this disease, to prevent the spreading of it, or stop it. The professionals at Kastle Kare, have a proven track record fighting and treating Fire blight disease.  This is a disease that requires immediate action, and regular inspections to prevent costly damages.

Destructive Moths Eating Your Oak Trees “CALIFORNIA OAK MOTH’

Oak Tree Kastle Kare Pest Control, Oak Moth DestructionSymptoms of the Oak Moth

If your Oak Trees are seeing destruction due to a small moth, it is likely an oak moth.  Oak moths are becoming a problem around Ventura County, Santa Barbra , Los Angeles county.

Description of the California Oak Moth

California Oak Moth - photo by Donald Hobern
California Oak Moth – photo by Donald Hobern

Long Term problems from the oak moth on your oak trees

Solutions for your oak tree moth problem

Why choose Kastle Kare for solving your oak moth problem?

Leaf and Plant Fungus

Ventura County Leaf with Downey Mildew, a Plant Disease we can help
Ventura County Leaf with Downey Mildew, a Plant Disease we can help

Fungi are the most common type of plant disease

Fungi: these are the most common type of plant disease.  Fungi cause many different symptoms such as leaf spots, wilts, curled leaves, dieback, enlargements or galls, stunted plants and dead plants.  Fungal spores are spread by wind, water, soil movement, machinery, insects and anything else they come in contact with, including people.

Fungus Conditions and Symptoms Include:

  • Powdery Mildew
  • Black Spot
  • Downy Mildew
  • Blights
  • Mold
  • Mushrooms
Ventura County Leaf with Mildew, a Plant Disease we can help
Ventura County Leaf with Mildew, a Plant Disease we can help

Kastle Kare is Ventura County, Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County experts at diagnosing and PROPERLY treating fungus and other plant diseases on your trees, shrubs, ornamentals, ground covers and lawn.

A correct diagnosis is important to ensure the fungi disappears and the plants are not harmed by the incorrect treatments.


Snails and Slugs

snails chewed leaf, dying tree, insects, pest controlLandscape Pest Problems

Snails and Slugs Chew Your Plants

Snails and slugs feed on living plants and on decaying plant matter.  They usually chew irregular holds with smooth edges in leaves and flowers.

Snails and slugs can wreak havoc on your beautiful plants in your landscape and gardens.

Snail and Slug Management

To protect your landscape and gardens from snails and slugs the problem must be managed properly.   Kastle Kare’s pest control services does the dirty work for you.  Our goal is to get your landscape and garden back to its optimum beauty and health.  We also provide maintenance treatment programs to keep it that way.

leaf snail damage, pest, insects, plant disease, weeds, trees, shrubsKastle Kare’s pest control services is Ventura County’s has your solution to snail and slug pest control